Thursday, December 6, 2012

2012 - 2013 Off-season Trialthlon Training Goals

Jason Ward before his first 5k run (2012)
My triathlon training goals for my off season (October 1, 2012 and April 1, 2013) is as follows:

  1. Swim 22 miles - 25m lap pool
  2. Bike 1,000 miles - spin and stationary bikes
  3. Run 234 miles - on treadmill
  4. Indoor Triathlon on Feb 24, 2013
  5. Limited/no carbs after 7pm
I derived these totals based on the following facts:
  1. There are a about 26 weeks in the above mentioned time frame.
  2. I can easily bike 40 miles a week
  3. Running 9 miles a week would be a challenge
  4. Swimming almost a mile a week was a complete unknown.
  5. The swim, bike and run ratio is close to that of a sprint triathlon.
So, how am I doing?

To date (12/6/2012 halfway through week 10) I am about 1.36 miles behind on the swim, 67 miles short on the bike and 38 miles behind on the run.  I intend on biking 40 miles, swimming 1/2 mile and running 6 miles.  The week before and the week of Thanksgiving I barely exercised because I was lazy and I ran a 5k (time 41:06) the day after Thanksgiving.

Now What?
I made these goals almost randomly.  My intention was to produce a base through volume as weight loss is far more an issue than speed.  After I lose some weight I will likely focus more heavily on intervals and drills to get faster.

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