Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Great Swim & Great Run

2 major accomplishments occurred in last night's workout.

1. Last night for the first time I was able to swim 500m (20 laps in a 25m pool) nonstop in 11:23.  In Oct 2012 I couldn't even finish 1 lap so this is a great accomplishment for me.  I also did not have to change my breathing pattern from taking every 2nd stroke to every 1 stroke.  Seemed like I never "lost" my breath.  Looks like I can work more on form and speed for the Feb 24 indoor triathlon I signed up for.  The swim was GREAT.  I felt my form is really coming together.

2. I was able to finish a 5k on the treadmill in 42:42 (avg speed of 4.4mph)  This is huge since 1 year ago I could not run at all due to my heart rate exceeding 180bpm in less than 2 minutes of jogging.  Last night my HR never went over 170 and my max speed was set at 4.6mph.  I did walk for a minute or two twice during the run. I owe most of this level of fitness to the 600+ miles of outdoor cycling in the summer 2012.  I look forward to weather over 40 deg F so I can go out and cycle/run outdoors.  Treadmills get horribly boring.

Today I rest as tomorrow I have a double.  Cycling in the am and swim and run in the pm.

Wish me luck.

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