Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Training for 8k & 10 races in April 2013

Focus on running.  Gaining and maintaining base.

Easy (50%-70%) and medium (70%-75%) pace.
Easy = 127-150bpm
Medium = 150-162bpm

Quantity Goals per Week:
2 Swim Workout
2 Cycling Workout
5 Running Workouts

Mon - Bike/Short Run
Tues - Swim/Long Run
Wed - Off
Thur - Bike & Swim/Run (double)
Fri - Swim/Run
Sat - Off
Sun - Swim/Long Run

Long Runs = Easy pace (50-70% max HR) for me that's 127-150 bpm, cool down 5-10 minutes and stretch.
Short Runs = Medium Pace (50-60% max HR) for me that's 150-162 bpm, cool down 5-10 minutes and stretch.

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