Below is the email I received race week from the HF Racquet and Fitness Club in regards to the indoor triathlon this Friday and Saturday.
Welcome to H-F Racquet & Fitness Club Indoor Triathlon
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For your safety and the safety of participants and spectators, please read the following
information carefully.
Please check-in 30-45 minutes prior to your start time. There will be waves of 4-6 people
participating in each group. If you are not present at the start of your wave, the race will
continue as scheduled. Registration will be located in the hallway by the Welcome Center
at the Racquet & Fitness Club. If you are a member, please check in as usual and proceed to
registration/check-in table. Lockers and towels will be available for non-member use and are
complimentary, but you must bring your own lock. We will have volunteers to answer questions
and point you in the right direction. Childcare will be available for two-hour periods, starting at
8:30am on Saturday.
In addition, our Title Sponsor for the event, Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers will be having
pre and post-race stretching for participants. They will also be available for assessments for
visitors and guests.
Race Overview: The Indoor Triathlon is based on time, rather than distance; we calculate
the distance you cover in the set amount of time for each component, then add the distances
together. Distances will be recorded in feet, to the nearest tenth. The total workout time will
be 45 minutes: 10 minute pool swim, a 10 minute transition, 20 minutes on LifeFitness upright
cycles, a 5 minute transition, and finishing with a 15 minute run on LifeFitness Treadmills.
Transition times are set between components. This will provide participants with easy
transitions to the next discipline before beginning. Wave start times will be posted on-line at, as well as emailed by Tuesday, February 19.
Pool Info: Competitors will swim for 10 minutes in the pool. The H-F Racquet & Fitness Club
pool is a 4-lane, 25-yard pool. Participants will need to check in on the pool deck to receive their
assigned lane before the start of their assigned wave. Each participant will have their own lane.
Once wave has started, participants will be allowed to rest by end walls, lane lines, or standing
in the 4 ft. depth. When lifeguards blow the whistle, signaling the end of swim time, racers are
to stop where the whistle was heard, until advised to return to the lane official. Distances will be
recorded to nearest length of pool (25 yards).
Transition 1: Participants will have 10 minutes from the whistle to go to the locker room,
change into bike/run attire (if necessary) and get to the bike portion of the event. Again, please
be prompt, as race will continue as scheduled. We strongly recommend bringing your bike/run
gear with you for a more efficient transition 2.
Bike Info: Participants will be using LifeFitness upright cycles. All bikes will be equally
calibrated before the event. Please plan on getting to the bike ASAP, as bike set up will need
to be done before you begin. Bike computers will show cadence, distance, and time elapsed.
At the conclusion of the bike portion, please do not dismount until bike official has accurately
recorded your distances. Participants will be allowed to have towels, water bottles, and energy
bars/gels with them at this time. Note: Pedals are strap-in only, NOT allowing for cycling shoes
with clips.
Transition 2: Participants will be allowed 5 minutes to get from bikes to treadmills, located
immediately behind bikes. Please be courteous of members and other participants as you
transition to the treadmills.
Run Info: Participants will run/walk for 15 minutes. Participants will use equally calibrated
LifeFitness Treadmills. The run official will help coordinate and ensure all athletes begin at
the same time. Treadmills will be set at 0% incline, but can be adjusted if participant chooses
to do so. Participants control speed of treadmill, and can change speeds at any time during the
15 minute time period. Participants must remain on belt at all times. Should you step off at
any time, your distance will be recorded at that moment. *Please be aware of emergency stop
buttons as it will be the participants’ responsibility should they accidentally hit this button,
distance will be recorded from time of treadmill stoppage.*
Spectators: Spectators are allowed and encouraged to watch their family and friends participate
in the event. For safety of participants, guests, and our daily members, areas will be marked
off where spectators will be allowed. All coats, bags, boots, etc will need to be stored in our
locker rooms and will NOT be permitted on the fitness floor.
Results: Results will be calculated at completion of each wave. However, since there are several
waves throughout the day, awards will not be determined until the last wave has been completed.
Awards will be presented to Top 3 Overall Men and Women. Age group awards will be given
to top 3 in each age group as well. In addition, special awards will be given to Top Performers
in each category (swim, bike, run) for Men and Women. Results will be emailed by 4 pm on
Saturday afternoon to participants that have registered with such information. On-line results
will be available on the Monday following the Indoor Triathlon. Awards can be picked up at
Welcome Center beginning Monday following the triathlon.
We look forward to seeing you on Race Day. Good luck and have fun!
Sandi Bingham
Race Director
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