Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My First Triathlon: What am I wearing?

Jason Ward after the Race
I am fortunate that my first triathlon is indoors and is comparable to a super sprint distance triathlon.  The swim will be in a 25 meter poop, the bike will be on a stationary bike and the run will be on a treadmill.  What I am wearing during this event is exactly what I wear while training because I know it works and there is no weird rubbing or discomfort.  Race day is not the time to try anything new.

Swim Leg

Head:  I am bald and the distance is too short to worry about drag in the water.  I will cut shave what little hair is left on my head primarily because I like the way it looks and I hope my wife snaps a few photos of me.
Chest: Nothing.  The pool is heated and quite comfortable.  There is no need for a wetsuit and I am not even sure if this event is wetsuit legal.
Legs:  I purchased a couple pair of triathlon shorts about a month ago that are working superbly.  I can use these shorts for outdoor triathlon training/events also.  The pad in the shorts is thinner than bike shorts and make of neoprene so it's a little more flexible for running, and it dries faster too.
Feet: Nothing

Bike and Swim Leg

Head: Nothing
Chest:  A short sleeve moisture wicking shirt.  In T1 i will put on my heart rate monitor.  It is a Polor so my heart rate will display conveniently on the stationary bike and treadmill for the bike and run legs of the triathlon.
Legs: Same Tri shorts I used in the swim.
Feet: Socks and shoes.  No need for clipless cleats as the pedals on the stationary bike is a platform pedal with a rubber strap to hold your foot down that can be adjusted.  I replaced my shoelaces with speed laces that allow me to slip on my shoes and they stay relatively tight throughout the run.  For longer runs I will likely get new shoes that are more sock like.

The only thing I purchased special for this race were the tri shorts.  Shaved quite a bit of time off in T1 not having to undress out of wet shorts and put on dry clothing.  They are allowing 10 minutes for T1 so there is plenty of time to change but you do not have the luxury of fully changing in an outdoor triathlon.  I am sure many would frown with reference tot he nudity.

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