Saturday, February 9, 2013

Spin Class for Cyclists

I will be signing up for my 3rd session of the Serious Cyclist spin class offered at HF Racquet and Fitness Club by Feb. 28.  Next week (Feb 14) will be the last class for this session.  I can always count on Amy Z. to provide an extreme workout.  The bikes are Keiser and display rpm, power, elapsed time and heart rate if you are wearing a chest strap.  These bikes also have SPD  pedals which means I can use my road SPD shoes for the class.

More about the class from the site:
This spin-based class is designed for road cycling enthusiasts and 
triathletes. This intense cycling class will mimic road cycling 
fundamentals in a group fitness atmosphere.

Jan. 10-Feb. 14 ...........Thursdays, 6-7:15 a.m. Code: (#456513-15)

Feb. 28-April 4............Thursdays, 6-7:15 a.m. Code: (#456513-16)

$42 Club Member / $60 Non-Member per session

More info:

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