Friday, March 1, 2013

February 2013 Training Totals

I had one event in February an indoor triathlon.  My health was good for the entire month.  No sickness or other illnesses.  I did however have a couple of pains which I am still diagnosing   I have had pain in my lower calf muscle just above my achilles and ankle but more in the muscle.  It does feel better when I massage it out.

I also have been having issues with my hip flexors I believe.  When I try to to stand from a seated position after working out it feels like my hip flexor muscle is "giving out".  On my off days I have no pain.

I have taken to stretching more in the middle and post portions of my workout and it seems to be helping.  I believe running is the exercise to blame here.

My totals for the month are as follows:
Swim =  4.30 miles
Bike = 98.28 miles
Run = 29.26 miles
Walk = 2.62 mile
Total = 134.46

I spent a total of 15:21 hours training between 39 workouts on 15/28 days.

My goal for March is to train long and hard all month primarily running.  I will likely have the same cycle, walk and swim mileage totals but I am aiming to complete 60 miles (double) of Feb. run total.  My next event is is actually 2 running races an 8k and a 10k the first week of April.

February 2013 Training Summary
February 2013 Training Summary
February 2013 Training Calendar
February 2013 Training Calendar

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