Monday, April 8, 2013

2013 Shamrock Shuffle Personal Results

Jason Ward 25977 Shamrock Shuffle Results 2013
Jason Ward 25977 Shamrock Shuffle Results 2013
This was my first run of any type at this distance.  Previous runs have been at the 5k (3.11 mile) distance or shorter.  This race was a challenge for me.  I did walk at 2 points in the race.  Both were at the bottom of short inclines over bridges for no more than 1 minute.  This was to avoid my HR hitting 190bpm ... seriously.

My goal time for this 8k run was 73 minutes.  I figured at worse case I could maintain a 14:30 pace for 5 miles.  The morning of the race I was feeling fresh and changed my goal to finishing in under 1 hour and paced myself accordingly using my Garmin 910XT.  I checked my pace to ensure I was under the 12min/mile pace and this worked well.

I am happy with my time.  It marks a real achievement in my life with respect to my fitness and health.  I currently weigh about 290lbs and started running 7 months ago when I was 300+ lbs.

I look forward to running this race next year and every year after for as long as I can.  I have already set a goal of finishing this run sub 50 minutes.  That is a 10min/mile pace.  If I can lose more weight and become more fit I believe I can easily accomplish this goal.

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