Wednesday, May 8, 2013

40 Mile Solo Ride with Monee Reservoir at 1/2 way.

Finally hit the 40 mile mark on a ride during the week this year.  Hit just over 20 miles when I arrived at the Monee Reservoir.  The concession stand was still open but I did not need anything.  When it gets hotter this may be the place to refill on water.  Is there a fountain for free water here?

As I stretch this ride to 45-50 miles I will likely head further west and south and just take Old Plank Trail back east as a bit of a break from the streets and to see other runners, riders, walkers and people in general not in cars.

Conditions:  68° - Feels like 68° - 0 mph N wind - Humidity 43%

Below is the map and some details from me, Jason Ward on Strava.

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