Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pre-Ride Nutrition

Jason Ward out for a run
Jason Ward out for a run
These are some of my guidelines I currently use for training and events
  1. Sip water throughout the day everyday.  Get used to carrying a water bottle around.
  2. When I drink alcohol I make sure to drink water in between drinks.  I when I stop drinking I drink more water.  Working out the next morning dehydrated is a horrible feeling and counterproductive.
  3. I do not eat heavy or late on nights when I will have an early workout the next day.  Doing so causes me to have  restless sleep and a terrible morning workout/event.
  4. For rides less than 90 minutes I will eat between 0 - 300 calories that includes low/no fiber, lean protein and carbs at least 1 hour prior to start of ride.  These "shorter" rides are usually at Zone 3 to Zone 5.  If the ride is first thing in the morning I usually eat nothing.
  5. For rides over 90 minutes I will eat 300-600 calories 1-2 hours prior to start. These longer rides are usually Zone 1 - Zone 3.
  6. Normal meals are about 300-500 calories 3-5 times daily.

This is part of my routine.  I have lost many inches off my waist in the last year and become a stronger rider/runner/swimmer.  Weight loss is my primary goal.

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