Saturday, July 27, 2013

Duathlon, Triathlon, Cycling Training Plan (Aug-Oct 2013) Part 1

Till now I swim, bike and run at my own discretion.  Each day I decide what will do for training that day.  This has been working and I am still losing weight and becoming more fit.  But ....

I have grand aspiration of completing an Ironman in the near future.  I obviously need a plan for fitness and nutrition to accomplish this goal.  I have devised a general training schedule I will use for at least August and September 2013 while the weather is still rideable.  I took into account several factors such as:


  1. I like the group rides with my LBS on Monday and Saturdays
  2. I like my group run with my running club on Wednesdays
  3. The pool has open availability on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.  Other days the pool is available after 8pm.
  4. I will swim and lift weight in the same facility.
  5. Treadmills and stationary bikes bore me to death.
  6. Yoga and spin classes are cool and available on Tuesdays in the same place I swim and lift weights.
  7. I must have either Saturday or Sunday off per week to help keep my marriage in tact :)
  8. I can devote 1-2 hours per weekday to training and 3-6 hours on Saturday.

Weekly Breakdown:

SwimZ2 30minZ2 30minOff
BikeZ2 90min (group)Z2 30minZ2 30minZ2 90minZ3 180min (group/self)Off
RunZ2 30minLong 60min (group)Z2 30minOff

Exercise Breakdown:

Honestly I think I an going to break each of the exercises down into seperate posts otherwise the post will get too long.

Swim:  (link to future blog post)
Bike:  (link to future blog post)
Run:  (link to future blog post)
Weights:  (link to future blog post)

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