Welcome Athletes
Thank you for signing up for the 2013 Orbea Naperville Sprint Triathlon presented by Experience Triathlon and taking the challenge! The information provided below will give you, your family members and friends a great Naperville Sprint Weekend!
Only 100 slots remain so when they're gone they're gone!
Click here to register: http://www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=2049916. Online registration closes at midnight on Tuesday, July 30, 2013. Race weekend new registrations will continue on Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Naperville Running Company. Race weekend entry fees are Individual Entry $115.00 and Relay Entry $150.00.
RACE START: Race starts on Sunday, August 4, at 7:00 a.m. from Centennial Beach Park, 500 West Jackson Avenue, Naperville, Illinois.
RACE PACKET PICKUP: Packet Pickup will be on Friday, August 2, andSaturday, August 3, at Naperville Running Company, 34 West Jefferson Avenue Naperville, Illinois. See schedule below for specific times. There is no race morning packet pickup.
FINISH LINE: This year’s event will finish in a new direction due to the bike and run course changes for the 2013 event. Each official finisher will receive our 2013 Commemorative Medals that have become a keepsake for every athlete.
POST RACE PARTY/EXHIBITS – The post race party will be located in the same area as the finish line. Please visit the following vendors participating in the post race festivities:
- Propel Water
- Muscle Milk
- Mavi Bandz
- Power Bar
- Who Wants to Pawty, LLC
- DuPage Medical Group
- Experience Triathlon
Listed below are some important dates and times for you to know about the weekend of events:
Friday Aug 2 | 12:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Packet Pickup and New Registration | Naperville Running Company | 34 West JeffersonNaperville, IL |
Friday Aug 2 | 2:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. | Race Clinic Training Sessions by Experience Triathlon – Coach Joe LoPresto. Click here for more info:http://napervilletri.com/athletes/training/ | Centennial Park | 500 West JacksonNaperville, IL |
Saturday Aug 3 | 10:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Packet Pickup | Naperville Running Company | 34 West JeffersonNaperville, IL |
Saturday Aug 3 | 10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. | New Registration | Naperville Running Company | 34 West JeffersonNaperville, IL |
Saturday Aug 3 | 11:00 a.m.,1:30 p.m. & 4:00 p.m. | Race Clinic Training Sessions by Experience Triathlon – Coach Joe LoPresto. Click here for more info:http://napervilletri.com/athletes/training/ | Centennial Park | 500 West JacksonNaperville, IL |
Sunday Aug 4 | 5:00 a.m. | Transition Opens for Bike Check-in | Centennial Park | 500 West JacksonNaperville, IL |
Sunday Aug 4 | 6:45 p.m. | Transition Closes and should be clear of all individual athletes and relay swimmers | Centennial Park | 500 West JacksonNaperville, IL |
SundayAug 4 | 7:00 a.m. | Race Start | Centennial Beach | 500 West JacksonNaperville, IL |
Sunday Aug 4 | 11:00 a.m.(approx) | Awards Ceremony | Centennial Park | 500 West JacksonNaperville, IL |
Sunday Aug 4 | 12:00 p.m. | Bikes must be checked out of transition | Centennial Park | 500 West JacksonNaperville, IL |
ATHLETE CHECK-IN & PACKET PICKUP: All athletes must appear in person on Friday, August 2nd or Saturday, August 3rd at Naperville Running Company to pick up their own race packet (see schedule above). This includes each member of a relay team; however relay team members do not need to pick up their packets together. Your race wristband will be placed on your wrist at the time you pick up your race packet. If you are 18 or over, a government-issued photo ID must be presented in order to pick up your race packet.
USAT ANNUAL MEMBERS: If you are an annual USA Triathlon member, you are required to present a valid (non-expired) USAT card or proof of number and expiration date at Athlete Check-In. Proof can be in the form of USAT card, a printed temporary card or a copy that can be viewed on a smart phone.
MINORS: Minor athletes (athletes under 18 years of age on race day) MUST be accompanied by a parent to packet pickup in order for race waivers to be signed.
After picking up your race packet, it is important to check the packet to make sure your bib number, bike frame number, helmet number, and wristband number all match the number on the label of your packet before leaving the packet pickup area. If there is an issue with any of these, you should return to packet pickup to get it corrected.
ADDITIONAL IMPORANT ITEMS: When you check your bike into the transition area on Sunday morning, your bike number must be on your bike prior to entering. After the race, only you, the athlete, can remove your bike from the transition area. We will be matching your bike number to your wristband number upon exiting transition after the race.
Once bikes are checked into the transition area on Sunday morning, they cannot be removed from the transition area until the bike portion of the race is completed. Bike warm ups are not allowed once your bike is checked into transition. All participants must wear a bike helmet during the bike portion of the race.
Body Marking will take place just outside of the transition area and will continue at swim start for last minute athletes.
Only registered athletes are allowed in the transition area on race day. NO EXCEPTIONS!
The following items are not allowed in the transition area race morning:
- Balloons or other items that may become entangled in the gear of another racer
- Oversized tubs, oversized bags or objects that will encroach into the space of neighboring athletes
- Bike trainers
Headphones (and all other audible devices) are prohibited on any portion of the racecourse.
It is recommended all athletes review USA Triathlon’s Most Commonly Violated Rules: http://www.usatriathlon.org/about-multisport/rulebook/most-common-violations.aspx
RELAY TEAMS: Each member of the relay team must pick up their own race packet. Teams do not have to be together when they pick up their race packets. Bikers and runners should be inside transition near their relay bike rack when transition closes at 7:10 a.m. When the swimmer enters the transition area, she will proceed to the relay bike rack, transfer the timing chip to the biker, at which time the biker will remove the bike from the rack and proceed to the bike out end of transition. Upon returning to transition, the biker will rack her bike, remove the timing chip from her ankle and transfer the timing chip to the runner’s ankle. The runner will then exit transition and complete the run at the finish line. Relay runners should collect medals for all relay members in the finish line chute prior to exiting.
TIMING: The race will be timed using the ChampionChip timing system. Your timing chip will be in your packet. A strap for the timing chip will be distributed to you at packet pickup. If, for some reason, you decide not to race on Sundaymorning and need to return the timing chip or if volunteers fail to remove your timing chip after the race, please send the timing chip and strap in a padded envelope to:
Premier Event Management 509 South Al Davis Road, Suite B Harahan, LA 70123 504-454-6561
RACE CLINIC: Jo Lopresto, triathlon coach with Experience Triathlon, will be conducting race clinics at the race site on Friday and Saturday of race weekend. You can find more information here: http://napervilletri.com/athletes/training/. He will cover topics regarding transition spot set-up, swim course, bike course and run course. This is the place to ask questions! First time triathletes are strongly encouraged to attend.
COURSE MAPS: Please review the race website for an updated map of the bike and run course. A map of the race course can be found under the course tab on the race website: http://napervilletri.com/course/swim. We are “going green” with our race packets therefore a copy of the race map will not be provided in your race packet. We suggest printing the course map before traveling to the race
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